Procrastination is not just a weekday sport, you know. Some of the best time wasting is done on Saturday and Sunday, when you have the perfectly legitimate excuse of "hey, it's the weekend, so screw it." Also, kids are out of school and around on the weekends, and, well, that speaks for itself. They're only little so long...
At any rate, here are a few things to keep you occupied. Enjoy the afternoon...
The Universe Makes a Lot of Gas - Why science is important, from the perspective of a lab secretary. Yeah for cool people!
Why does it seem like so many writers are cat people? "Perhaps cats are important totem animals for writers. Perhaps writers hope their independence and mystique will rub off on them, and seek to emulate the slightly magical moggy's feigned disinterest when those bad reviews roll in."
The First Pictures of New Planets. Just imagine the possibilities.
Stephen Hawking calls for Moon & Mars colonies. Yep. What he said. Onward and Upward.
The ACLU and Brave New Foundation have started a petition to ask President-Elect Obama to close Gitmo and end Military Commissions. Any legitimate use the place ever had has been permanently overshadowed by the horrors that occurred there. As a nation we need to send the signal that we respect human rights again.
The Edge of the American West with a moving post about The Vietnam War Memorial in Washington, D.C.
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
- George Santayana